It has been parents observation week this week and many parents came to school to be with their children and be part of their classes. The students were also happy to learn English with their parents in class. Parents had a lot of fun being part of the activities in class and can't wait to get invited again.
My students and I talked about our favorite planets and why it is their favorite. They gave me hilarious answers, like one of my student said she likes Venus because she wants everybody to be pretty. :) What's your favorite planet?
I am so surprised that a lot of my students can play the piano. They are very talented and hardworking. How about you? What musical instrument can you play?
How important is friendship for you? Are your friends important in your life? My high school students and I talked about friendship this week and I'm so glad they give so much importance to friendship. They feel more encouraged and motivated because of their friends.
Saying things in the past
Can you say your opinion in the past? This can be difficult for English learners, but it`s so easy here. This week we learned how to say sentences like, "He daydreams during classes" and change it to the past, "He daydreamed during classes". Many students learned how to say their different opinions in the past.
This week we try to talk about our one wish. We had a conversation to practice our English and learn how to make a wish and ask for something special. Students had many amazing wishes and some funny ones.
This week we will be learning about classical instruments and what to call the people who play them. My favorite instrumental song is Dance for me Wallis from the movie W.E
- Chelsea
Today is my birthday. I will celebrate with balloons, ice cream and dancing. If you want to learn even more vocabulary about parties we will be waiting for you at Amity. See you soon.
- Chelsea
You can definitely learn a lot by browsing the internet. This week, my students and I talked about using the internet to gain more knowledge and using it the right way.