TOEIC/TOEIC Bridgeの対策レッスンを受講いただけます!
Hi everyone! I`m back with a new set of tongue twisters, but this time we are only going to focus on R and L. The most difficult letters to pronounce. This activity will not only help you improve your pronunciation skills it will also be a good chance to learn some new vocabulary.
Are you up for the challenge? If yes, don`t forget to warm up first.
Warm up:
1. Fly
2. Fry
3. red
4. led
5. play
6. pray
Tongue Twisters:
Easy Level
1. Red lorries run alongside the left road.
2. I raked the leaves next to Lake Reeves.
3. I looked right at Larry’s rally and left in a hurry.
Intermediate Level
1. Rarely do lovers rely on rowdy relatives.
2.Jerry’s jelly berries taste really rare.
3. Revelers revel in leveling levels.
Hard Level
1.Ruby Rugby’s brother bought and brought her back some rubber baby-buggy bumpers.
2.The rat ran by the river with a lump of raw liver.
3.Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural brewery.
Different ways to say "Hello"
Hello Everyone I hope you`re having an excellent week!
In today`s article we will cover how to "break the ice” when starting conversations in English.
The most common way to greet someone in English is to say "Hello, How are you?". Even though that way is perfectly fine it can be a bit of an overused and dull way to start a conversation. What you could instead do is one of the following:
"That`s a nice shirt. I like that design" would be an example of a great way to start a conversation. It makes the other person feel good and it gives you something to immediately talk about. Compliments on clothing or hair are usually pretty safe and are not too familair to give, even to strangers.
Commentary about the surroundings
"Geez it`s pretty cold today!". Comments about the weather or anything in the surroundings are always a safe bet when it comes to starting conversations. You could also transition into talking about seasonal clothing and what you prefer wearing in which season and so forth. You could even follow up with a compliment!
Try out these suggestions the next time you want to start a conversation in English!
Happy Sunday everyone! I'm back with a new topic. You might be confused because of the title but don't worry, I am going to explain it thoroughly. Have you ever heard of "Onomatopoeia"? ,if not, it is used in English to express a feeling through sounds and noises. The title is actually an example of an onomatopoeia. "Achoo!" is used to express a person sneezing, another example is "meow, meow" a sound that cats make, on the other hand it is always used for object sounds like "tick, tock" which expresses the sound of a clock.
Now that we've learned what an "Onomatopoeia" is, here's a list of the most common Onomatopoeias in English.
1.achoo =sneeze
2. gulp =sound of swallowing/ drinking
3. zzzz =sleeping
4. ding dong= doorbell
5. chirp = sound that birds make
6. honk- sound of a car horn
7. oink- sound that pigs make
8. quack- sound that ducks make
9. sizzle- a sound produced when frying or searing something
10. boom- a sound that is produced when something exploded.