
アミティースクールニュース アミティースクールニュースAmity School News


Tongue Twister Fun!

What is a tongue twister?

It is a phrase or a sentence that needs to be pronounced and read fast while also articulating it accurately. They also help in improving your pronunciation, accent and fluency. Now why don`t you challenge yourself with these famous tongue twisters.

Easy: I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
A big black bear sat on a big black rug
Red lorry, yellow lorry (x3)

Moderate: She sells seashells by the seashore.
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy, was he?
I thought a thought, but the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.

Hard: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood,
as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep.
The seven silly sheep Silly Sally shooed
Shilly-shallied south.
These sheep shouldn’t sleep in a shack;
Sheep should sleep in a shed.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers?
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?





Slang of the Day!

What is a slang?

According to " Cambridge Dictionary", a slang is vocabulary that is used between people who belong to the same social group and who know each other well. Slang is very informal language. It can offend people if it is used about other people or outside a group of people who know each other well. We usually use slang in speaking rather than writing. Slang normally refers to particular words and meanings but can include longer expressions and idioms.

Now that you know what slang is, let me introduce the slang of the day.


Meaning: cheesy can be synonymous to cringy but it could also mean low quality, unpleasant or insincere.

Example: He gave a cheesy grin to his father.
The movie we watched was so cheesy.
We went to a cheesy restaurant last night.












Yeah! A huh! Oh?

Hello Everyone, I hope you`re having a fantastic week!

Many native English speakers are lazy speakers. Meaning that they do not like responding in long sentences when asked a question or when responding to something that someone has said. Some like to just answer/respond with one word or a phrase!

Using simple phrases and answers can go a long way in helping you become more comfortable with English. It`s an easy and effecient way to practice. Some examples of easy responses are:
- Yeah! or Yeah?
- Ahuh
- Hmmm
- Oh? or Oh!
- Nah/not really
- Nice
- ofcourse

Here is an example conversation.

Sue: Hey Tom!
Tom: Hey Sue! Did you have a good weekend?
Sue: Yeah!
Tom: Nice!
Sue: How about you?
Tom: Same. I went to the Cinema with my Dad.
Sue: Oh yeah?
Tom: Ahuh! We saw Demon Slayer. It was awesome!
Sue: That`s so cool!

In this conversation both people use short sentences and one word expressions to talk about their weekends! Have fun practicing with simple English!



Useful Phrases!

Hello Everyone.

I hope you`ve all had a great weekend!

English has many useful phrases that people use daily. They are so common that you should hear them quite often when you listen to native speakers have conversations. Today I will share some of them with you all.

"What`s Up?"

This phrase has many different uses. For example it could mean "Hello". It is a more casual and releaxed way of saying "hello". And people will usually respond with "not much, you?". It could also mean "What`s wrong?" or "What`s the problem?" or "How are you?".

"That`s crazy!"

This is another releaxed phrased used to express different feelings and reactions. For example it could mean "I don`t believe that" or "I-- wouldn`t do that" or it could mean "No way!" as an expression of strong disbelief.

The last phrase I will share with you today is "That`s a rip-off". People usually say this when the price of something is too expensive. "That POKE POKE shirt is 25 000 yen!? That`s a rip-off!"

That`s it for today

I hope that these phrases will help you better express yourself in English!

How do Filipinos celebrate Valentine`s?

Happy weekend everyone! I`m back again to share another enriching cultural knowledge that you might be interested in. Today we are going to delve into the sweetest month of the year, February. Yes, your right we are going to talk about Valentine`s day.

In the Philippines Valentine`s day is an occasion not just for couples who are married or still dating, it is also celebrated with families and friends.

Here are some things you might want to know:

1. Bouquet - The streets will be filled with flower stalls and vendors ,but red roses are considered the most romantic.

2. Mass Weddings- The government organizes this event to give a chance to all the couples who wants to get married but has a tight budget.

3. Vow renewal- Filipino married couples usually renew their vows during this month to make it more memorable and meaningful.

4. Gift Giving and tons of chocolates- It is compulsory for couples to exchange gifts and fancy chocolates for their lovers.

5. Romantic Sunset- Most couples go to the bay and wait for the sunset to enjoy the breathtaking view together.

Thank you for reading. Did you find some similarities to how you celebrate it in your country?


Saying of the Day!

Do you like eggs? Our saying for today talks about eggs.

Saying: "You can`t make an omelet without breaking eggs"

Meaning: You need to sacrifice or make mistakes before you can achieve something.
You need to experience hardships first before you can get or gain something.

Origin: This saying is said to have originated from France by François de Charette.

Examples: Learning English is not easy, it is really true that you can`t make an omelet without breaking eggs.
I wanted to learn dancing but I realized that you can`t make an omelet without breaking eggs.


" You can`t make an omelet without breaking eggs." means that you can`t achieve something unless...
A. you sacrifice something
B. you enjoy it
C. you want it