
アミティースクールニュース アミティースクールニュースAmity School News










Fun facts about spiders

Spiders are one of the worlds most common phobias, which makes sense because they are not the prettiest critter. Eight hairy legs and beady eyes are enough to send anyone into panic mode, no matter the size and color.  Anyway, here are some random facts about spiders:

  1. All spiders produce silk. The webs that are found in corners or under beds are actually made of spider silk. This is an incredibly strong and durable material. If you have been unlucky enough to get caught in a spider web you know how frustrating it is to untangle yourself as the threads do not seem to snap when pushed.

  2. Certain species of spiders, namely jumping spiders can see into spectrums or colors that humans cannot.

  3.  Most spiders have up to eight eyes but they are nearsighted. Spiders are unable to see far into the distance. This is why webs are so effective, spiders rely on the vibrations sent through webs in order to locate their prey.


Fun pumpkin facts

Pumpkins are beloved all over the world.  There are over 40 different kinds of pumpkins each with their own name, my personal is sweetie pie pumpkins. Even though its well-known as a vegetables pumpkins are actually a fruit. This is because they grow out of the flower of their plant which makes them a fruit. Pumpkins are used in a variety of sweet and savory dishes so it fits either the vegetable or fruit category just fine.

Pumpkins are a symbol for Halloween but originally it was turnips. In the original tale of how we came to use pumpkins as Jack 0` lanterns . They were made  The tale said that “Stingy Jack” (Skeleton Jack) tried to trick the devil into paying for his bar tab. And after Jack died, the devil was so angry about the situation that wouldn’t let Jack cross over to the afterlife. So, he had to wander the Earth at night, using light from a single coal. To avoid burning his- undead- self, he put the coal in a hollowed out turnip, and became known as “Jack of the Lantern.” This Irish tale led to the tradition of carving turnips in Jack’s likeness, to scare him away.

Magical Mushrooms

Mushrooms are the fruit of a Fungus. Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies or reproductive structures of a much larger underground fungus. They are one of the most common oddities on Earth. Different species of mushrooms are found on almost every continent. Fun fact, In ancient Egypt, mushrooms were held in high regard because it was believed that they were the secret to immortality.

There are hundreds of different species of mushrooms, not all are edible and some are actually incredibly toxic to humans. The effects can range from mild irritation to in some cases death. But there are some kinds of mushrooms we can forage and consume like lions mane and puffball mushrooms. These are a staple of many vegan diets.

Some mushrooms reproduce through spores that are released in the air after decomposition. This makes it possible for mushrooms to grow in the most random places.  Interesting to note that mushrooms are in fact the largest living organism on the earth.

Sharks terrifying or misunderstood.

Sharks have a very well known reputation for being the most dangerous animal in the ocean. Many people, myself included have an irrational fear of sharks. With the number of known shark attack cases in the world it is easy to understand why this predator has received such an infamous status but studies have shown that you are more likely to fall victim to an attack from a cow than a shark attack.

Sharks have been around for a very long time, some studies have shown that certain species of sharks are older than trees. These studies have found that sharks appeared in waters around 455 million years ago. Grandpa shark du-du-du-du.

Sharks are dentists favorite patient. This is because sharks lose on average about 30 000 teeth in their life times. Shark tooth necklaces are very popular around most beaches because they are either found on coral or wash up on shores.

Sharks are predators but humans do not form part of their food groups, Shark attacks are usually caused by confusion as sharks to not have the best vision. Humans who have been victims of shark attacks were probably perceived as seal, a common prey of sharks. Usually after one bite they are able to tell that they made a mistake and happily scurry off.

So please remember coconuts are more dangerous to humans than sharks.



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Elephants (intelligent animals)

Elephants are the largest land mammal on the Earth at present time.  The popular idiom, memory of an elephant holds some truth. Elephants are incredibly smart and can recognize themselves. Their brain can weigh anywhere between 4 and 6 kilograms. Most of an elephants behavior is not animal instinct but rather learned behavior through many experiences. They also have incredible memories, with a brain that size I`d hope so.

Elephants are matriarchal in nature, large herds of elephants are usually led by older female elephants. The older the elephant, the more information they know through years of experience. Younger elephants depend on their elders for guidance through dangerous terrain or difficult situations such as droughts or shortages of food.

Elephants that have had exposure to humans are known to be friendly and docile but herds of wild elephants can display acts of aggression that can lead to injury or death. Its best to avoid wild elephants as they do not know which humans are potential threats and can resort to violence if they feel threatened.



TERROR-RIFIC! ハロウィンイベント🎃


