We wish you a Merry Christmas も歌って、みんなでクリスマスをお祝いしましょう!!
小学校高学年クラスでは、"I like ~ but I don't like ~." と自分の好きなものと苦手なものを紹介しました。動物のトピックで、苦手な動物をhippoと挙げた女の子が2人、そしてzebraと挙げた女の子も2人いました。意外な動物が被って面白かったです。hippoは春ごろにhippopotamusという正式名称を勉強しましたが、それを覚えていた生徒もいて、正確な発音にも驚きました。これまで学んだ表現も自分のものにして、色々な会話ができるよう頑張りましょう!
Do you listen to English music?
Many of my students love listening to English music. One of my junior high school students really likes Ariana Grande. So during our seminars we learnt the lyrics to an Ariana Grande song. I was really impressed how many vocabulary words she remembered just from listening to the song many times.
Last week one of my elementary school students was talking about an old Avril Lavigne song. I remember listening to this song when I was in school so I was really surprised that she knew it. We sang the song together in class and I was amazed at how well she was able to pronounce the words. I realised that listening to music you like is a great way to learn English.
Where did you go last night?
Last week my higher elementary school students have been learning about watching different kinds of performances. They learnt words like "the opera", "a symphony", "a piano recital", and "the festival". I was really impressed that they were able to remember these difficult words and pronounce them easily. When I asked them "Where did you go last night?" most of them responded with "I didn't go anywhere." One of my students even said "I didn't go anywhere. I watched TV at home." I was really happy that they understood the question and they could give me their answers using perfect English.
12月23日(土)12:00 ←追加日程!!
Hello everyone!
Do you know what Christmas🎄 carols♪ are?🤔
Christmas🎄 carols♪ are traditional Christmas🎄 songs♪, usually sung 🗣🎶 in a group.
My favorite Christmas🎄 carol♪ is 'I saw👀 three ships⛴'.
Do you know any Christmas🎄 carols♪?🤔
Let's learn English together!
Hello everyone!
Let's learn English together!
Many of my students have signed up for winter seminar lessons already, I am excited to teach them English and have fun making winter crafts.
It is so much fun to make things during lessons!
I hope that even more students sign up for winter seminars.
Let's learn English together! 🇬🇧 🇺🇸
まだ2歳のYちゃんは、日本語より英語のほうが堪能です。先日レッスンの終わりの時間が近づいていたとき、お母さんや先生に"Put away!"と言っているのが聞こえてきて、とても驚きました。最近のおうちでの相づちは"Yeah yeah"だそうです。外国人の先生の言っていることをたくさん真似して、教室の外でも英語を話してるのに驚きです。これからが楽しみですね♪
I am amazed at how well baby student is starting to speak English. During our lessons we read many books and play different games. Whenever she is ready to move on to the next thing, she tells me "put away". I was really surprised at her ability to understand the words and use them to express her feelings.
Even though she is only 2 years old, she is able to say so many words. She can identify colors like blue, red and purple. She also says "up" if she wants me to lift her up to reach the iLesson board. It's really incredible that she is learning English so quickly!