CLILとは・・・Content and Language Integrated Learning(内容言語統合型学習)の略で
Unconditional Positive Regard
Many years ago I worked in Counseling and Psychotherapy and was trained in UPR (Unconditional Positive Regard) in my work with clients.
However, when I began working in education, I discovered that UPR is not limited to counseling but is also important in the English language classroom and guides me in my role as a teacher.
This is because UPR creates a safe space where students can try out language without fear of making mistakes.
UPR boots student motivation because feeling valued makes students eager to learn.
UPR builds confidence because continual positive feedback encourages students to speak and supports their personal growth.
When I was a student I hated learning languages so as a teacher I vow that none of my students will ever feel the same way. - Michael
Lately I have been working with one of our best students on a very special project for his school.
`H` has been studying with us for a long time and is very confident with his English, So confident, in fact, that very soon he will be giving a speech in English in front of his entire school, and then later to a competition at city hall!
Now this is no simple speech that `H` is working on, measuring at almost two pages long, it is all about environmentalism and clean energy research, and is full of some complex vocabulary, however despite that, He has put his all into his practice. We have used techniques taught to actors in theater and film to help him not only remember all of these words, but express his feelings about them through his tone and body language.
`H` has absolutely blown me away with how quickly he has picked up everything we worked on, and even though he is nervous to speak in front of so many people, I can`t wait to hear what an amazing job he does!
-Jordan Sensei
This week, sadly, I`ve had to say goodbye to one of my Adult students, `T`.
`T` only took English lessons with me for a short while, but his enthusiasm was so contagious, every week he would come to class and dilligently take notes on the vocabulary and expressions we were learning.
`T` also loves games, and so a good portion of our lesson would be our conversation held over the top of a game of Reversi. Despite his claims otherwise, I was blown away again and again by `T`s strong vocabulary and understanding of English, what he needed most of all was confidence and a foundation for when to use what he already knew.
I think this is something that reflects in many language learners, when you are surrounded by Native speakers, you feel like you know less than you actually do. One day, you`ll surprise yourself and realise all at once just how far you`ve come!
-Jordan Sensei
そんな4人で、その日の構文'She/He is ~ing.'の練習のため、ジェスチャーゲームをしました!
確認出来たら、'Open your eyes!'といい、前にいる2人にはジェスチャーをしてもらいました。
答えるチームは2人で相談しながら英語を思い出し、一緒に'I know!'と大きな声で言い、答えを発表してもらいました。
I rarely talk about my interactive students but I had to share about my student "S".
She has made so much improvement with regards to her typing.
She struggled to get her japoanse typing speed up in the beginning but lately she has
been picking up speed more and more every week.
One particular activity, in the Conan Typing program, where the student have to type
and break bricks is one we use to test her speed.
She started off with breaking only 1 brick in 3 minutes.
She then held steady at 2 bricks in 3 minutes but for the last two classes
she has broken 4 and 5 bricks!
I am so proud of her! She has not only improved her speed but her accuracy as well.
I hope she continues breaking barriers and reaching new heights!
- Khanya (Kay) Sensei
I love hiking and there are some amazing treks around Kure; Yasumiyama, Haigamine and Norosan.
Learning English is like climbing a mountain: it requires patience, persistence and practice.
Each new word is a step upward, while challenges like grammar and listening are the rocky paths.
And just like the hikes around Kure, the view from the top - fluency - makes all the effort worthwhile and rewarding. - Michael.
I have spoken many times before about how hard all of our students work, and how impressed with them I always am.
However, I worry that our students try to do too much sometimes.
Every time I speak to my Jr High school and High school students, I always hear about how busy they are, the mountains of homework, Even having to attend classes during what should be their vacation!
I think it is very important for each and every person to know their limits, to be able to look at their work and say "this is enough, I need to rest now" otherwise we live our lives always being tired, and we may stop loving learning!
Remember to take the time to listen to yourself and do what you need to do for your own wellbeing!
-Jordan Sensei