- Aくん 高校2年生
- ●外国人教師会話クラス
- ●日本人教師文法クラス
- Our high school student passed Eiken 1st grade!
He is a fantastic student who worked so hard to pass Eiken at the highest level! He has been an Amity student for almost 17 years and has continued to improve his English level. He enjoys having conversations and asks really smart and thoughtful questions.
We are all so proud of him.
- Hちゃん 高校1年生
- ●外国人教師会話クラス
- ●日本人教師文法クラス
- Our very own superstar!
She is a very bright and dedicated student who has been studying English for 15 years! She was originally inspired by English tv shows while she was in kindergarten. In her spare time, she loves singing with her friends and participating in the photography club. She hopes to work in psychology in the future and keep pursuing her passion for English.
(担当: Hunter先生より)
- Oちゃん(年中)とお母様
- ●外国人教師会話クラス
- A mother and daughter English learning team!
They have been coming to Amity since 2019 when O was a Baby O student. She has always been a proficient and pleasant student. She can have simple conversations with ease and she loves to learn new things. She likes to dance, sing, and talk about her day at kindergarten.
Mom also takes our parent lessons and she is an absolute joy to teach. She is always improving and she can talk about a lot of topics in the lesson. We always talk about delicious food, traveling, and our favorite K-dramas. She always asks good questions and works hard to understand more.
We are always happy to have lessons with Chisato and Oto.
(担当: Letso先生とHunter先生より)
- Rくん年少
- ●外国人教師会話クラス
- Our in-house comedian.
He is our in-house comedian! He loves to play around, sing, and talk about what he likes to do in English. He has been attending lessons for just over 2 years and has made so much progress in a short time. He is able to express himself freely and can remember all the words to his favorite songs in the lessons! He brings a wonderful energy to the classroom and works hard to learn vocabulary and pronunciation. He is a joy to teach and I am looking forward to continuing to learn with him and see him grow into a fluent English speaker!
(担当: Hunter先生より)
- Cちゃん2歳
- ●外国人教師 Babyクラス
- The happiest baby ever!
She has been a student at Amity since Baby O level. She has been an absolute joy to teach. She loves to dance and sing the Amity songs. She is always smiling and really enjoys the Amity lessons.
In the lessons, we play a lot of games, read stories and use stickers and coloring books to learn new English words. She can say a lot of English words on her own now. Her mom always joins in the lesson and reads stories for her at home so her English level is always improving.
- Hくん 高校2年生
- ● 外国人教師会話クラス
- The coolest student in town!
- QWhat are your top 3 favorite subjects?
- AI like English, history and art.
- QWhy do you like English?
- AI can learn about other cultures.
- QWhat do you like to do in your free time?
- AI do muscle training.
- QWhy do you like muscle training?
- AI want to be strong and I want to get bigger.