- G.W
We love you!
- ●外国人講師グループレッスン(週3回)
- ●外国人講師プライベートレッスン
- ●シーズンセミナー
- Such a Happy Boy❤いつもとってもハッピー❤
Wくんは、ほぼ毎日レッスンに来て下さり英語力がどんどん伸びており、日々成長を感じます。Wくんはすでに「できたよ!(I did it!)」などのフレーズや大好きな乗り物の名前も英語で言うことができますし、とても賢くてかわいいです。みんなWくんに毎日会えることをとても嬉しく思っています♪
W is an amazing student. He comes almost everyday and has improved so much!He is only 2 and shows excitment to learn everyday.W is able to say phrases like "I did it" and "Lets go!".He is so intelligent and cute! We are happy to see him every week.
- Y.Y
I can speak English♪
- ●外国人講師プライベートレッスン受講中
- 英語大好き!
Y is a very active and smart girl! At a young age is able to listen and repeat what the teacher says and follows instructions well. She knows a lot of English words and phrases. She can say different kinds of colors, shapes, foods, animals, emotions, and many other words. She also likes to read story books and sing songs in class. She has a lot of potential, and as she continues her English learning journey, I believe she will grow and become more successful in the future.
- M.N
Great Job!
- ●邦人教師会話グループレッスン
- ●シーズンセミナー
- 英語力ぐんぐん成長中 ☆彡↑↑
- K.S
Way to go!
- ●外国人講師プライベートレッスン
- ●インタラクティブレッスン
- ●シーズンセミナー
- 英語話すのが大好きです♡
S is an outstanding student. She is curious but at the same she is not afraid in sharing her own ideas.
She has a lot of creative ideas and her speaking English is very superb.
She only speaks English in the class and uses a lot of expressions that makes the conversation even more natural.
- K.K
- ●外国教師プライベートレッスン
- ●インタラクティブレッスン
- ●シーズンセミナー
- Alway only English🍎
- K is an exceptional student. At a young age, he can express himself with good grammar and vocabulary. He sounds natural and conversational. I am very impressed with how enthusiastic he is when asking questions to learn more. He would rather know everything in English and no Japanese explanation is needed for him to understand new words. He always works hard to improve his skills and he would go an extra mile to get better at writing. I am definitely sure that K will go a long way and make his dream come true to study abroad.
- Y.H
- ●外国人教師グループレッスン
- ●シーズンセミナー
- いつも笑顔♪
Y improved a lot in this term. She likes English a lot and she is very competitive. Her pronunciation is also really good and clear. She particularly likes paw patrol and games. And her willingness to learn English is what makes her want to know more and speak more. I can't wait to see Yuna improve more as she grows older.
- R.S(2歳)
- ●邦人教師グループレッスン
- ●外国人教師プライベートレッスン
- ●シーズンセミナー
- いつもニコニコ♪
- Rちゃんは、毎回のレッスンにいつも笑顔でお越し下さり、カバンを持ってすぐにお教室に入ってきてくださいます。何に対しても興味関心が強くリピートだけではなく、自発和もしっかりできます。歌が好きで歌に合わせて、たくさん発言をしてくださいます♪今後は、色・数字を自分から発言できるようにがんばりましょうね!Rikoちゃんの今後の成長がとても楽しみです!(担当:P先生)