- Tくん、Kちゃん
- ●日本人教師とのセミプライベートレッスン/小学校低学年クラス
- 姉弟で楽しく英語力アップ⇧
どちらが先に答えられるか、どちらが完璧に言えるかを競い合いながらどんどん英語力を伸ばしてるお二人!得意と苦手が正反対な二人だからこそ、お互いの苦手を伸ばしあえる関係性になっています。お家では一緒にAmitybox(アプリ)を使って予習をしてきてくれています。英検ジュニアにも昨年度初挑戦しており、今年度もやるぞ!と意気込んでくれています。これからの二人の成長がとても楽しみです✨ (A先生)
- Kくん、Kちゃん、Mちゃん
- ●外国人教師・会話グループレッスン
- ☆元気な年長さんクラス☆
They are wonderful students. One of the student is a new student who is quite shy and feels nervous talking in English, but both the other students motivate her to express herself more as they are both very energetic and lively. They come to the lesson with great enthusiasm to learn English and love to have fun.
They enjoy pronouncing, learning the language patterns, and tend to repeat after with great confidence. Although the new student was nervous in the beginning, by the end of the class she was laughing and having fun with her classmates.
During the first lesson of this year with them, they were taught phrases such as "Please sit down." and "Please line up.", and they would respond with "Ok!", and performed the actions every single time, which was quite fun for all of us as it was like an activity to see if they would do it correctly. After each drilling and testing, they would enjoy the reinforcement activities and being able to use the big pad. Overall, they are fantastic students that I enjoy teaching and I look forward to see them grow even more!
”Please sit down.”(座ってください。)や”Please line up.”(列になってください。)というクラスルームイングリッシュに皆さん”OK!”と答え正しく行動ができ楽しくアクティビティーができました。アミティーならではの大きなタッチパネルを触りながら楽しく集中してレッスンしています。
- Yくん
- ●外国人コース/年少クラス
- ●外国人講師とのプライベーセミナーレッスン
- Winter Seminar!
Yくん is one of our P3 students here at Sagamihara Amity and he is a wonderful student. He always comes to Amity with a big smile on his face and great enthusiasm to learn English. Like most of our students, he really enjoys the fun lessons and likes to use phrases and vocabulary he learned in class.
He also loves to express his artistic side by making various arts and crafts. This winter, we made lots of crafts together for his seminars and he enjoyed all of them! He was able to insert his personality and style in his crafts. He also remembers by heart the useful phrases needed while making crafts.
He likes answering to "Yes" or "No" questions, asking me to do things "One more time.", and saying "Thank you!". Whenever I ask him a "Do you like ....?" question he often asks "How about you?" after answering. His ability to remember vocabulary and pronunciation has improved a alot as well which makes us very happy. Overall, it really is a pleasure to teach Yくん every week.