Hello everyone!
Today, January 17th is Lose the Jet Lag Day.
Jet lag is caused when the sleep-wake and light-dark cycle shifts too quickly for the circadian clock in your brain to keep up, disrupting almost all biological systems in your body, and often making the start and end of any trip feel exhausting. ☀💤🌙
On Lose the Jet Lag Day, we acknowledge jet lag’s significant human and financial costs – from poor concentration and reduced productivity to less enjoyment and weakened immune function. The key to beating jet lag the scientific way is to properly time light exposure and light avoidance, which are the most important time cues for resetting the circadian clock. 🌎🕚
Join us at Takahashi Amity and let's learn more about how to avoid jet lag to make this an even more exciting and productive year of travel! 🧳✈
Hello everyone!
How have you been?
Today, January 15th, is National Hat Day. 🤠
Hats have been worn as uniforms, fashion accessories, and protective gear. 👒🎓🎩🤠⛑👲👷♂️👷♀️🥳
People look great in hats. They allow us to show off our amazing style in a very easy way. 👒
Hats also protect our skin. 90% of skin cancer is caused by overexposure to the sun and could be preventable by wearing hats. ☀🧢
Finally, hats keep you warm. You lose about 5 to 10 percent of your body heat from your head. That means that, by putting on a beanie, you’re getting a lot of bang for your buck*.
*"Bang for the buck" is an idiom meaning the worth of one's money. This means you get a better result for the amount of effort or money that you have put into something.
Join us at Takahashi Amity and lets make your very own hats. ✂🎁🤠
Let's have a craft seminar!! 🖼🎨✍
アミティー高梁校 TEL. 0866-23-0901 📞
International Thank-You Day 🙏
Hello everyone! 👋
I hope you've all been well!
Tomorrow, January 11th, is International Thank-You Day.
It is a day that serves as a reminder that we ought to express our gratitude to those who have made our lives better in some way.
What better month to reflect on this than the beginning of the year?
In Japan it is customary to say thank you. 🗾
However, in many other countries over the world, we often forget to say, “Thank you,” because we take it for granted or we assume that others know how we feel.
This day was founded to recognize the importance of always saying thank you. 🙏
Studying differences in customs and social norms across countries can be quite interesting. 🧩
Join us at Takahashi Amity and let's have fun learning about different customs and social norms across different countries together.🗣
アミティー高梁校 TEL. 0866-23-0901 📞
The three Rs: Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! ♻
Hello everyone! 👋
I hope you had a relaxing New Year holiday. 🎉
Let's read about the three R's to help you improve your English skills and overall knowledge. 📈
There are lots of ways we can look after our planet. Three great ways are 'the three Rs': Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!
We throw away too many things and make too much rubbish. Lots of the things we throw in the bin take thousands of years to go away. Every time you want to throw something in the bin, STOP and THINK about the three Rs. Can you reduce it? Can you reuse it? Can you recycle it? 🚮
Join us at Takahashi Amity and let's learn more about how we can reduce, reuse and recycle. ♻
This is a popular topic that appears in English speaking, listening, writing and reading questions. 📃
The more you know and understand these topics in English, the easier the exams will become. ✍📝
Let's have a conversation seminar!! 🗣🔡
アミティー高梁校 TEL. 0866-23-0901 📞
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