



  • Tatsuya
    • 外国人会話グループレッスン
    A young man with a very wonderful future ahead of him
    Tatsuya is always bright and positive and I've had the opportunity to help him develop his English skills for several years both at AEON and AMITY. Tatsuya often asks very thoughtful questions, not just about grammar but about culture too and he has the ability to improvise and change his language depending upon the conversational situation. Likewise, he's a fighter and doesn't give up despite difficulties and recently achieved EIKEN Grade 2 level. Many congratulations Tatsuya.
  • Kotomi
    • 外国人会話プライベートレッスン
    Bright, energetic and wonderful student
    Kotomi is incredibly friendly and actively involves herself in all our activities and games! Her English is so good for her age. She reads along with me and even loves to sing with her mom! She loves showing me all the new English words and songs she learns. Her memory is also amazing as she remembers almost everything we have done in previous classes. "Ah, no" from The Minions or "I can show you the world" from Aladin are some of the classics in our class.
  • 清水池 柊吾くん


    • 外国人教師会話グループレッスン
  • 﨑山 唯菜ちゃん (年長)

    "I like pink!!"

    • 日本人教師会話グループレッスン
    • 外国人教師会話グループレッスン
    いつもレッスンが始まる前に、PhonicsドリルとWorkbookを「やってきたよー!」と嬉しそうに見せてくれる笑顔の素敵な唯菜ちゃん。日本人の会話クラスと外国人の会話クラスの併行受講をされているので、色や数、天気は”It's sunny. It's an orange duck."などセンテンスでしっかり発話できます!アルファベットの大文字・小文字もお手本がなくても書ける文字があり、いつもその理解力の速さに驚かされています。これからも楽しくレッスンをしていきましょう♪(福島 麻梨絵)
  • 中山 咲良ちゃん(小2)


    • 日本人教師会話プライベートレッスン
    レッスンの成果が多くの場面で... ♪
    昨年の夏休みからプライベートレッスンで頑張っている咲良ちゃん。11月にあった初めての英検Jrでは、BRONZE93%をとることができました!レッスンの中でも、読める単語が抜群に増え、その日に習った構文をきちんと覚えてQ&Aの両方できるまでになっています!!春にあった音読発表会でも、たくさん練習をしてAnna's Rocketを読めるようになりました!これからも先生と一緒に楽しく英語を学んでいきましょう♪(大西 里佳)
  • 長坂 柚芭ちゃん(年中)

    She loves Taylor Swift♪

    • 外国人教師会話プライベートレッスン
    Yuzuha is an extraordinary student!
    She is always smiling and eger to learn as much English as possible. Yuzuha is able to comprehend new language and sentence structures quite easily. Yuzuha is such a joy to teach, and if you're lucky, you may even get the chance to hear her sing in English. I am so happy to be her teacher, and am looking forward to watching her develop her speaking abilities even further. (Joshua)
  • 水溜 心愛ちゃん(小3)
    • 日本人教師会話グループレッスン
    • インタラクティブコース
  • 生駒 楓ちゃん(3歳)


    • 外国人教師会話グループレッスン
    Kaede is an outstandning young student who has brought such joy and happiness into the classroom. Her understanding of the English language has developed immensely. She is such a joy to have in class, and I look forward to teaching her each week.