
アミティースクールニュース アミティースクールニュースAmity School News


Being a star!

It's always important as a teacher to give praise to all your students, especially when they try their best every week!
Learning a new language is always difficult, and they having really been making progress!
I am so proud of everyone so far and I am so happy to see some of the skills they have
been practicing taking shape in their conversations, with me and eachother.

One of my Adult students "M" is relatively new to learning/speaking English and watching her introduce
herself to a much younger little student really touched my heart. She saw one of the younger students in the lobby and spoke to her!
Their short conversation was so sweet and I was proud of her for courageously introducing herself in English!
She isn't a shy lady but she has been having confidence issues with her English skills, so this was amazing!

She really took being a star to heart!

- Khanya (Kay) Sensei

What did you like?

This week and last week, our P5 students have been practicing talking about their holiday and weekend activities with the questions "what did you like at the Amusement park?" and "what was the roller coaster like?"

This question can also be used to ask about other activities, and so I have asked students about thei golden week activities. It has been great practice to hear from students not only what they did, but also what their favorite or least favorite parts were, everyone has had such interesting adventures and they always sound so excited to tell us all about them.

I hope we can have so many more adventures in the future!

-Jordan sensei







Homework makes the dream work!

This week has been very busy, with organizing all the orders for the bookfair!
Many students are excited to be working on their new books and I am hopeful that they will
manage to complete them with little to no problems! It can be hard to do all the extra work and
I am proud of how dedicated everyone has been to completing their weekly homework! Keep it up guys!

Some students however are a bit wary of doing more self-study books as it means more homework.
As a teacher it is hard not to feel bad for assigning more homework to the students,
but at the end of the day it helps them re-enforce what they have been learning in
class and helps build up the necessary skills to tackle English with confidence!

Let's hope we can keep them motivated to go through their study material without feeling discouraged!

- Khanya (Kay) Sensei

A Brand new Library

Many of our students will have seen it in our lobby, but I`m very excited to tell everyone.

Our Amity school now has a wonderful new library of story books to read before and after classes,
We have many picture books for students of all levels, they can read about music, animals, and many rhyming games and puzzles!

Each one of these books has been highly recommended by many teachers, So I made sure that each of them is ready to delight and teach everyone new things!

-Jordan Sensei

Switch it up.

Bookfair has begun and it's time to switch things up with our new textbooks!
I want to do something different for students to motivate them to complete their self-study material.
I have found a lot of students don't really finish their books or lack the will to do so. My idea is to
make a game/competition where they can win small prizes every month for completeing a certain number of pages.

Maybe if the books didn't feel like a chore, they might be more inclined to keep going!
Switching it up every now and then might give them the boost they need, especially if they are getting new material for this year!
I am crossing fingers, hoping my idea works!

- Khanya (Kay) Sensei

Warming up in Warming Weather

As the weather warms up and the new school year swings into full force, I want to share about one of my youngest students who is working incredibly hard.

Little R takes a kindergarten class with Mom and I.
Everything is still very new for him, and he still feels overwhelmed or frightened in our lessons, but Mom comforts him and reminds him its okay.

At first R didn`t want to do anything, he would cling to Mom and only stare at me, and if it was too much he`d get upset, But Lately R seems to have gotten a little used to lessons.
This week, R was able to not only repeat the vocabulary on his own, but Recall and use vocabulary from other lessons, linking colors, numbers and fruits all together!
Towards the end of the lesson R even got up and walked away from mom to play a bowling game with me!
I hope I can help him to settle in and really enjoy his lessons with us.

-Jordan Sensei


The first week back at school has been very busy and interesting so far!
I was quite surprised that a lot of my students didn't have any plans for Golden Week.
Many had club activities that kept them busy the entire week! School really is hectic!
Some visited their grandparents while the rest stayed home and relaxed.

They seemed very happy and had fun playing video games, watching youtube or sleeping!
We often make a fuss about having plans and going to new places but
staying home and having a peaceful relaxing holiday is sometimes better.
A simple stay at home vacation or "Staycation" can do you more for you than having plans.

- Khanya (Kay) Sensei

The Perfect Vacations!

We are finally back from our Golden Week Vacations and I have been hearing so much from students about the exciting ways they spent their Vacation.

From some, I heard stories of travelling all over Japan and a few even visited other countries!
From Others, I got to hear about staying home, relaxing, and catching up on sleep!
Both sound pretty good to me.

One Student in my Tuesday class, R, told me, not about her vacation, but the first thing she did back at school instead, She really loves studying and couldn`t wait to get back to it!

-Jordan Sensei



今は"Hokey Pokey"という歌を歌っています。
この歌は、"Right/Left"と"Body parts"がたくさん出てくるため、まずは右と左の練習を、そのあとに体の部位の練習をします。

まだまだたくさんBody partsが出てくるので、一緒に身体を動か字ながら覚えていきましょう!
