
アミティースクールニュース アミティースクールニュースAmity School News


One Month Later

This marks the fourth week of the new semester, and students have become more comfortable with the new routine. We are looking forward to learning more consistently now that we are familiar with our classmates and classroom expectations. At Yonago Amity, we are proud to see students growing more confident each and every week. ~ Leah Sensei

We believe in you!

The cherry blossom trees might be at their end but we here at Yonago Amity continue to flourish. We would just like to let our students know, we will be right here to support you as you embark on this journey you have undertaken. The sky is no limit for you!

~Tea Sensei~

Golden Week, Golden Prospects!

In preparation for the holidays in May and the Eiken test many students will be taking in June, we at Yonago Amity are encouraging students to join us for seminars. We are eager to help students achieve their goals and pass their exams if possible! All of our students are working hard to succeed. - Leah Sensei

Off to a run!

With our second week of the new semester coming to an end, we can't belive how fast the time is going by. What`s more amazing is how fast our students are adapting to their new class levels and schedules. Go team Yonago! Go!

~Tea Sensei~

Congratulations, Students!

We have gone from graduation season to opening ceremony season so quickly. Today many of our Amity students wore their new uniforms to school for the first time. We are always proud of their growth, in and out of our little school! Let this year be full of wonderful experiences for them all. ~ Leah Sensei

Off To A Running Start!

We have been enjoying welcoming students to their new spring classes this week. Although the transition can be difficult, our students are doing their best to become accustomed to new classmates, class times, and material! We are proud of their efforts and know that it won't take long to adjust. Good work, everyone! ~ Leah Sensei

It’s a new season!

The cherry blossoms are now on their way to a full swing and we are excited to share the joy of this season with both our previous and new students. With a new schedule and new classmates, we are sure our students will have no problems making some new friends this year. Cheers to new friends and a brand-new spring season!

~Tea Sensei~







The Countdown Begins!

With just 5 days to go before our new school year, we are bursting with excitement at the thought of meeting our new students and also continuing to help our former students, attain that next level of the English language they have been working so very hard for. Cheers to a new semester that will be here faster than we think!

~Tea Sensei~

Farewells, Hellos, and Thank Yous

This week marks the last of the school year for Amity students. We are proud of all the work they have achieved and have spent the week giving them encouragement and certificates to celebrate their achievements. We are so proud of our students and can't wait to start the new semester off on the right foot! Well done, students, staff, and parents! ~ Leah Sensei