One of our Baby students had a great time yesterday playing with the stuffed animals. We talked about how they were feeling and we all ate a snack together. She waved her hands around in excitement when the animals ate their snack. She was very happy. :)
今週のメインカードが"want"があり、自分の欲しいものを英語で伝えてもらいました。高学年クラスではKちゃんやMちゃんが”I want money!”と現実的な願いだったり、男の子たちは”I want game!”だったりそれぞれほしいものを英語で伝えてもらいました♪またお家でもぜひみんなでクリスマス、または誕生日に欲しいものを伝えてみてくださいね♪ (H)
In a Baby class this week, the baby student got very excited when we sang `Take out your sticker book, 1, 2, 3`and they tried to say the word `sticker.` At least, that is what it sounded like to me. :) This student really loves the sticker book, so I am glad they are trying to say the word `sticker.`
先週から参観日が始まりましたね!みんなの頑張っている様子もですが、生徒たちより先に単語を発表してくださったりと、お母様やお父様も一緒に楽しんでくださっている様子が嬉しく、とてもクラスが盛り上がっています♪生徒たちが照れくさそうに「Good job」とお母様に伝えたり、お母様やお父様の前でたくさん発表できいつもよりみんなの顔が「えへん!」と輝いて見えます!ぜひいつも以上にたくさん褒めてあげてくださいね♪(H)
Parent Observation Stories
As our Parents Observation continues, we continue to see the different sides of the students. The younger kids got really excited last week when their parents joined! They were very happy to see their parents in class. They were more active than usual because they wanted to show what they can do.
The older kids, (Elementary-Junior and Senior High), were a little more tense and nervous. In one of my Junior classes, one student was very shy when her Mom was watching from the outside.
Some kids acted differently from their usual behavior, but they all deserve a praise for doing their best!